
How To Manage Your Blog Posts

This is the follow up to the previous post How To Write a Blog.  After you have a written a few blogs, you will have some options for managing them.  Here's how to do it.
  1. Log in to the dashboard.  When you are logged in the main screen that you see is the Dashboard.  From here you have the option to write a new blog, edit your settings, etc.  For this how to, click on Edit Posts.
  2. View your list of blogs.  Here you will be able to see the list of all of the blogs that you have written, including drafts.  
  3. Quick view.  Click on the triangle to the left of the blog title for a quick view.  This allows you to reference what you have already written about, without having to wait for the full page to load.
  4. Edit.  Clicking this link will take you back to the edit blog screen for you to make any adjustments or changes to a previously written blog post.
  5. View.  Clicking the view link will open that particular post in a new window.  The main uses for this is to make sure that any layout changes you make look great with that post and to copy the url (web address) for a link.
  6. Labels.  Any labels that you have assigned to posts will appear in a box on the far left side of the screen, as well as in green letter to the right of the post title.
  7. Comments.  When you receive comments on your posts, they appear as a link to the left of the date the blog was posted.  Clicking the link takes you directly to the comments for that particular post.
  8. Check boxes.  The check boxes to the left of the edit link are useful if you have multiple posts in draft and want to publish them all at the same time, or want to delete multiple posts.  To publish, check the posts that you want and click the drop down menu titled "Label Actions," and select Publish. 
This was a quick rundown of the options that you have in the Edit Posts screen.  Next up we'll talk about comment moderation.

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