
How To Start a Blog With Blogger

You have something to say to the world.  That's great!  Here's the how-to for getting started.
  1. Set up a Google account.  The easiest way to start is by getting a Gmail account, but singing up for any product will create an account.  You will use this account to access your blog and the other Google tools.
  2. Go to  Click on the tab that says "Create A Blog" and follow the instruction and fill in the captcha code.
  3. Name your blog.  This takes some careful planning.  If you want a personal, journal type blog name it whatever you like.  If you plan on having a constant theme and topic name it something that relates to your niche.  For example, if you plan on talking about hot rods; give it a name like "JoesHotRods" instead of "JoesBlog."  This will also help the search engines find your blog.  The url (web address) will read
  4. Pick a theme.  Start with one of the basic themes that they have to offer, it can always be changed later on.
  5. Write your first blog.  My first blog was a test/introduction.  Give it a title and write to your hearts content.  As soon as you hit "publish" you are officially on the web!  Congratulations!
Next up, how to write a blog!

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